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Performance Riders is a collaboration of world class riders, teachers and trainers who have a passion to lift all riders in their sports to a whole new level via the world's best online education platform for riders.


You have the passion to become the best rider and trainer you can be. You’re a thinking rider and you love learning and getting to a deeper level of understanding about your sport. We have the tools, support and community you need to make that happen.


If you’d like to learn a training system designed on a foundation of horsemanship, improve your scores, progress through the grades and find ways to enjoy your sport even more than you do now, this is for you. You are already passionate about your sport, now let’s give you the boost you need to take your riding further.


A powerful and proven 7-week course to intensively learn the Parbery training system and empower you to confidently train either with a coach or by yourself. Each weekly lesson module contains a combination of video, audio and/or workbook plus a live group workshop with Brett. The private group offers constant support through the course with a dedicated trainer and community manager.


All our programs are delivered with LIVE coaching and intensive SUPPORT!


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